About Us 關於我們
Hong Kong IQ Test Institute was established in the year of 2019. Hong Kong IQ Test Institute has become one of the most prominent institutions in the region to provide IQ assessment tests for junior learners in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong IQ Test Institute aims to empower junior learners in their early stage of learning, strengthen their confidence and enchant them on a life-long learning journey. Since the establishment of the Hong Kong IQ Test Institute, more than 5,000 junior learners have participated in their self-exploration journey.
Hong Kong IQ Test Institute 成立於2019年,旨在幫助家長在小朋友早期的學習階段了解他們的強項和弱項,增強小朋友的自我認知,讓他們在終生學習的旅程上倍添信心。
經過幾年來的發展,Hong Kong IQ Test Institute 已成為香港最具認受性的智商測試及資優評估機構。自成立以來,已為超過5,000名學生進行智商測試及評估,深受家長信賴。
Learning is a life-long journey, widening the learning path by understanding oneself. Let your kid to understand their own ability, build up their confidence, motivation, and interest in learning.
Parents, schools, and teachers can fully understand your kid's capabilities, including their strengths and weaknesses. So as to tailormade a long-term learning plan.
讓家長, 學校和老師更了解孩子的學習能力,強項和弱項一目了然。讓家長,學校和老師可以因材施教,高瞻遠矚地為孩子制定合適的學習計劃。
Why should my kid join the IQ test?
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
To compete in schooling and future work, proof of your kid's capability becomes necessary. The IQ test helps to enhance your kid's capability on aptitude tests, and boosts up your kid's confidence in future job seeking.