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Honorary Advisors  榮譽顧問


Ron Watroba

A) Undertook studies in Psychology at
Curtin University, Western Australia.

B) Has actively participated in a 6 month
volunteer program which saw him

supervising activities with a group of pre-
teen autistic children.

C) Coached an amateur football team in
Perth for a two year period.

D) Since the formation of Reach has
successfully placed over 450 executives in
roles that span 25 countries.

E) Has conducted face-to-face interviews
with over 10,000 executives.

F) Is viewed as a China specialist by his
global network. Has written several papers
on the challenges faced when recruiting and
hiring in China.

G) Offers career guidance to HKU’s Masters
and MBA students.

H) Provides coaching programmes for
teenagers seeking career guidance.

I) Is noted for his high levels of curiosity,
creative thinking and EQ and applies this
collection of skills when creating purposeful
and unique tailored coaching programs.

J) Owner of the WeChat group Coaching for

K) WeChat ID: ronwatroba


Stefan Lam
簡介 Introduction

1. 入選成為英國高智商學會Mensa會員(IQ 148 以上Cattell Scale)
Admitted by UK high IQ society Mensa as
member (IQ 148 or above in Cattell Scale)

2. 曾任教香港多間香港頂尖傳統名校包括嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院、英華女學校、 拔萃男書院及陳瑞芝紀念中學。
Taught in several Elite schools in Hong Kong including St Mary Canossian College , Ying Wa Girl’s School, Diocesan Boys' School and Christian Alliance S. C. Chan College

3. 多年於中學任資優教育、數學奧林匹克、輔導老師及資優班班主任工作
Worked as Gifted Education, Mathematics Olympiad , Counselling and Gifted Class Teacher

4. 香港教育大學、香港城市大學及香港大學持續進修學院客席講師
Guest Lecturer in The Education University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong and HKU SPACE

專業資格 Professional Qualification

1. 香港特區政府註冊教師
Registered Teacher by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government

2. 香港大學學位教師教育文憑(數學及通識教育)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Mathematics and Liberal Studies), Graduate School, The University of Hong Kong

3. 香港中文大學教育學院香港教育研究所生涯規劃教育畢業
Professional Certificate in Career and Life Planning Education, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK

4. 香港教育大學特殊學習需要(資優教育)專業進修證書
Professional Certificate in Special Education Needs(Gifted Education), The Education University of Hong Kong

5. 清華大學國情研修班畢業
Graduated from Chinese Affairs programme from Tsing Hua University

6. 香港資優教育學院完成資優教育中層管理課程
Certified Gifted School Management from The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

7. 中國奧林匹克數學高級教練
Qualified Mathematics Olympiad Co
ach (Advanced level)

8. 香港科大MBA 校友會國際演講會首席導師
Chief Mentor for HKUST MBA Alumni Toastmasters Club

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